Monday, 14 October 2019

What is Media?

Today I was learning What is media
I enjoyed making the slide
I found it challenging to find the right phone
My digital learning object shows how i can be trusted
Next time i would change the colour

Monday, 23 September 2019

Seeking Help

Today I was learning how to seek help online
I enjoyed making a presentation
I found it challenging to find the reason
me being snipers on digital learning object shows me being Cybersmart
Next time I would change the background

Friday, 20 September 2019

Elephant toothpaste

Today I was learning about science experiments
I enjoyed making it and the explosion
I found it challenging to get along with my group
My digital learning object shows the elephant toothpaste and some of my group
Next time I would change the colour
Today I was learnin

Monday, 9 September 2019

Collaborating on online

Today I was learning how to use shapes and learning how to keep stuff private.

I enjoyed making shapes  and building cyber Steve.

I found it challenging to not commenting instead of arguing.

My digital learning object shows my Cybersmart character.

Next time I would change giving him hair.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Roman time

Today I was learning  about using screencastify
I enjoyed  making the slide
I found it challenging to I found it challenge to say stuff
My digital learning object shows what i have learn't

Monday, 5 August 2019

My Extinct Animal

Today i was learning about extinct animals and i chose a blak rhino

Action Selfie

Today I was learning how to take an action selfie and we paired up with buddies and used the web camera.
I enjoyed leaning how to use the web camera.
I found it challenging to help my buddy and hold the pose without my arm getting tired.
My digital learning object shows leading Zed my Mum's horse.
Next time I would change so you can see my legs.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Haast's Eagle Slide

Today i was learning about the haast eagle

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

My interview

this is my interview photosinterview photo

Monday, 10 June 2019


Hi! My name is Brooke. I go to Ormond School just outside of Gisborne city. I am in year 6. I have seven pets at  home. Their names are Cherry, Zed, Poppy, Mya Cuddle, Peppa,Minty and Vader. I live with mum, dad and my brother

I love Google Drawings on my computer. You can do so much cool stuff on it. I enjoy playing soccer every Saturday morning. My challenges this year is to make a band with my friends. My goals this year is to have everything finished for check in.

This year I'm really looking forward to Cybersmart lessons. A person who inspires me is Dame Valerie Adams because she trains hard.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends anywhere.