Friday, 28 May 2021

Ormond TV Week 3

Welcome to Ormond TV's first post!

Ormond TV is a monthly TV show were you can see whats happening at Ormond School, it will be on our blogs Every moth so make sure you don't miss it there will be interviews and some words of wisdom from or Principal Mr Pool.

Make sure you don't miss the first Episode! 

Monday, 10 May 2021

My Mum Poem

 Lat week for Mothers Day we made poems about our mums and gave it to them on our Mothers Day Celebration where we had cupcakes and a cuppa of their choice. This is the poem I wrote for my mum.
It was easy making the poem about my mum
It was hard trying to find a background 
I liked giving it to my mum and seeing her reaction when she read it.

Monday, 3 May 2021

Term 2 goals

 Today we had to fill in our term two goals and these are mine